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Talib Kweli Wages Divorce War with DJ Eque ... w/ Property, $ on the Line

Talib Kweli and DJ Eque have a huge sticking point in their ongoing divorce battle ... and whatever the judge decides will have a significant impact on who gets what.

According to new legal docs, obtained by TMZ, Talib's big issue is the date of separation. He claims they separated on October 20, 2015, after he moved out of the home they shared.

Problem is ... Kweli says Eque's claiming July 10, 2020 as the date of separation. So, why the big stink over the dates? He thinks she's trying to make it look like the marriage lasted longer to get more money and property from the divorce. They got married in May 2009 and she filed for divorce in February.

Kweli claims after moving to NY he never revisited the marriage. He claims they stopped talking, had no further sexual relations, never exchanged birthday/anniversary cards, sent no gifts, never shared a meal together and he never shared a marital home again.

Kweli says he believed this was a clear indication they were separated. What's more ... he says he moved out because she was aggressive and violent toward him.

He claims her argumentative behavior created an unhealthy and suffocating environment. And, get this ... Kweli says he allowed her to stay at one of his houses in L.A. and supported her financially for 5-plus years ... "exceeding any legal obligation to avoid confrontation."

What's more ... Kweli says he never charged her rent. And, when he sold the house, he says he let her keep the profit -- around $30k -- hoping the money would help her to relocate.

Kweli says instead ... Eque asked for spousal support. He says he agreed to pay her $2k per month, but wants the judge to figure out their actual date of separation before moving forward with the rest of the divorce.

A hearing has been set for November.