
'Duck Dynasty' Star Kay Robertson Dog Bite Did Major Mouth Damage ... But She's On The Mend

The matriarch of the "Duck Dynasty" family looks like she's been in a bar brawl following her recent dog attack ... but she assures us she's doing fine and will hopefully be back to normal in a few weeks.

Kay Robertson, AKA Miss Kay, tells TMZ ... her dog, Bobo, really did a number on her mouth when he snapped and bit her last week. As you can see in the photos we got ... the pooch split her top lip and took a big chunk out of her bottom one.

Kay says it was a bloody mess when she was rushed to the hospital, and it looks even worse now!!! That's due to all the stitches and bruising ... which she says she's covering up in public with a face mask.

She adds that her mouth is full of stitches and she can't open it to eat -- she's only drinking through a straw -- and she's on antibiotics and using skin cream to heal up.

The good news, according to Miss Kay, is the hospital staff in Monroe, Louisiana did a great job fixing her up and her doctor's been very helpful. She's now back home recovering nicely, and tells us it'll take about 4 weeks for her lips and bruises to heal.

After that, she'll need some plastic surgery to fully repair her lip ... but then her doc says she'll be back to her old self.

Miss Kay also reiterates that Bobo biting her face was just as much her fault as his ... because she accidentally snuck up on him for a goodnight kiss while he was sleeping and startled him.

We're told there's no hard feelings, and Kay's family will love her no matter what her lips look like.