Here's more evidence there's something flying around our skies with out of this world technology ... and at this point, it's hard not to be a UFO believer.
Ya gotta see this leaked footage taken aboard the USS Omaha in July 2019 when the warship was sailing off the coast of San Diego ... you see the UFO zipping along, parallel to the water's surface, before disappearing down into the depths.
The UFO appears spherical in the grainy, black and white video ... and you hear voices, presumably U.S. Navy sailors, exclaiming when the object gets close to the ship and when it splashes down.
The Navy sent a submarine to hunt for the UFO and didn't find a trace, lending credence to a theory the object is a trans-medium vehicle ... meaning it's capable of traveling through both water and air. Pretty cool stuff.
As we reported ... the Pentagon confirmed last month another leaked video, taken by a Navy Pilot, showing a triangle-shaped object gliding through the sky is the real deal ... and the U.S. Government is calling it an unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP).
UFO or UAP ... they're definitely or at least possibly out there.