A pro boxer's face swelled up in terrifying fashion after she was hit by an accidental head-butt during a fight Saturday night ... but fortunately, she says she's now recovering well.
Cheyenne Hanson, a 23-year-old German fighter, suffered the horrific battle wounds during her tilt with Alina Zaitseva in Germany ... with her face ballooning in size after the two women inadvertently clashed heads.
The post-fight pics of the damage to Hanson's face were insane ... the left side of the fighter's face BLEW UP -- and she had bruising all over.
In fact, Hanson showed off a before-and-after, side-by-side photo -- and she was damn-near unrecognizable!!!
But, Hanson on Monday revealed the swelling has gone down significantly ... though the bruising is still BAD.
Hanson was at least given a victory for her troubles ... the judges had her ahead in the fight at the time of the head-butt and awarded her the eighth win of her pro career.
Awesome to come out a winner -- but something tells us she'd prefer the more traditional route next time!!