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Prince William Dubbed World's Sexiest Bald Man Internet Goes Into Frenzy


3:20 PM PT -- Dwayne Johnson is demanding a recount on the whole 'Sexiest Bald Man Alive' study -- not for himself though, but for one Larry David.


How in the cinnamon toast f*ck does this happen - when Larry David clearly has a pulse?!?!#demandingrecount ☑️😊

— Dwayne Johnson (@TheRock) March 27, 2021

DJ writes, "How in the cinnamon toast f*** does this happen - when Larry David clearly has a pulse?!?!#demandingrecount" You heard it here first, Mr. David deserves to be in the running!

Prince William is the hottest bald guy on this planet -- so concludes a new study that ranked where he lands on Google searches ... but the internet doesn't seem to be buying it.

A cosmetic surgery company named Longevita apparently did this "research" -- basically checking to see how many times certain bald male celebs were searched for in Google along with the term "sexy" -- and lo and behold, they say the Duke of Cambridge came out ahead.

Prince William named as ‘world’s sexiest bald man’

— The Independent (@Independent) March 27, 2021

Unclear what the parameters were for this deep dive of scalps -- like dates or times for which they searched -- but Longevita claims Billy here had been called "sexy" in blog and website descriptions around 17.6 million times ... again no other context beyond that.

As for who his runner-ups were ... Longevita says Mike Tyson came in second at 8.8 million search results (uhh, okay), Jason Statham 3rd at 7.4m (hmm), Pitbull 4th at 5.4m (really??), MJ 5th at 5.3m (fair enough) ... and other guys that followed included Floyd Mayweather, John Travolta, Bruce Willis, Dwyane Johnson and Vin Diesel -- in that order.

"sexiest bald shemar moore
man alive"

— toni (@vantaezane) March 27, 2021

Safe to say ... Twitter had A LOT to say about this, especially on behalf of "Criminal Minds" star Shemar Moore -- who was noticeably left off the list entirely. In tweeters' collective minds, that itself was a slap to the face. One user wrote, "Did Shemar Moore f***** die?"

Not only did some folks feel Shemar was totally snubbed -- did Longevita even search for him, we wonder -- but many more are outraged that The Rock or Vin Diesel aren't higher on the list ... as they're iconic for their hot bald looks.

Appears the (British) people have spoken -- we should note, Longevita is a UK-based company. Anyway ... move over, fellas, 'cause here comes cue ball Royalty.

Originally Published -- 10:55 AM PT