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Shark Trafficking NY Man Convicted ... Backyard Pool Full of Sharks!!!

Well, this bites for a NY man -- not as much as his odd pets -- but he's been convicted of trafficking sharks, which he kept in an above-ground pool in his backyard!!! Again, this is NY, not FL.

NY Attorney General Letitia James announced Wednesday the conviction of Joshua Seguine ... who pled guilty to illegal commercialization of fish, shellfish, crustaceans and wildlife with intent to sell 7 sandbar sharks ... which is a protected species in NY state.

Seguine was fined $5,000. Authorities say they first got whiff of all this in July 2017 after he was busted for driving without a license in Georgia, and cops found 5 undersized sharks in a large tank in the back of his truck.

Authorities say Seguine admitted he was transporting the sharks to NY to sell them. He also admitted to possessing live sharks at his house. The AG's Office says authorities later discovered Seguine operated the website and conducted his biz under the name Aquatic Apex Life LLC.

When authorities served a search warrant at his NY home they found 7 live sharks in his backyard pool. They also found 2 dead leopard sharks, one dead hammerhead shark and the snout of a smalltooth sawfish ... also an endangered species.

The live sharks were ultimately moved to the NY Aquarium at Coney Island.

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