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Yo-Yo Ma Performs Concert at COVID Clinic ... After Receiving Second Dose

Yo-Yo Ma decided to do what he does best to celebrate COVID immunity ... he played his cello for those right behind him.

The famed musician received his second dose at Berkshire Community College in Massachusetts Saturday and you could call this bookends.

Exactly a year ago Yo-Yo Ma posted a recording of himself playing music with the hashtag, @Songs Of Comfort. This was posted at a time of fear, and now there are signs of hope.

It's interesting ... there are other clinics administering the vaccine where music is everywhere.  Doctors say it's calming for people who are anxious about getting the vaccine. Some clinics actually encourage dancing ... making the atmosphere friendly and celebratory rather than scary.

As for Yo-Yo Ma's latest performance ... as one State Representative said, it brought "hope and optimism through his beautiful music."