Don Seabrook / The Wenatchee World

Coronavirus Band Practices in Bubbles ... WA High School Reopens

Here's what band practice looks like now at a recently reopened high school in Washington state -- still making music, but in COVID-safe bubbles.

The bright green tents are the new norm now for the Wenatchee High School band ... and it looks like some instruments are better suited to this than others.

Check out this student stuffing his sousaphone into the bubble tent for Tuesday's band practice ... looks pretty snug. Guess the school went with a one size fits all approach. Can you say, public school budget issues?

The scene here is the complete opposite of The Flaming Lips concert last month in Oklahoma City, where it was the crowd in space bubbles instead of the actual band.

It's far from aesthetically pleasing, but here's the bottom line -- the kids are back in school and getting a little closer to normal. Baby steps.

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