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Phil Collins' Ex Auction Hauls in $2 Million-Plus!!! Including $22k for Records, Awards

Phil Collins' ex cleaned up good at an auction for all of her jewelry and clothing ... including a $22k score for the singer's gold records and awards that had a severely low opening bid.

The folks over at Kodner Galleries in Florida auctioned off Orianne Cevey's collection of jewelry and clothing on Wednesday for a whopping $2,165,592. That number also included $22k for multiple gold LPs and "Assorted Phil Collins Awards."

We're told the first four auction lots -- the awards and gold records -- drew an extraordinary level of interest ... with more than 350 phone and online bids recorded. The final bidding price for those items -- which included a gold record of Robert Plant’s "The Principle of Moments" -- was a cool $6,325. Remember ... the opening bid was just one hundred bucks.

Because we know you're curious ... her fine jewelry collection netted $1,694,000. Five of her watches -- including 3 Rolex's and 2 Patek Philippe -- hauled in $235,572. And, some of her designer purses and clothing brought home $61,435. What's she gonna do with all the money? We're told a portion of the sales will be donated to Orianne's charity, Never Give Up Foundation.

For those who missed out on this auction ... ya need not worry. Kodner is holding a second auction featuring similar items from Orianne next month.

As we reported ... Orianne had said now that she moved out of Phil's mansion and downsized to a smaller house, she decided to unload items that no longer "spark joy."

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