
Capitol Police Officers' Wives Angry at Acting Police Chief ... You Have Exposed Cops to COVID

The wife of a Capitol Police officer who tested positive for COVID wrote a blistering email to the Acting Police Chief ... accusing her and other top officials of inhumanely exposing families to the virus ... and she says that's just one in a series of failures that have compromised the physical and mental health of those sworn to protect and serve.

LaToya Getz sent the email -- obtained by TMZ -- to Acting Chief Yogananda Pittman, in which she says these officers have not been vaccinated and it has come home to roost -- she says her 14-year-old child now has COVID.

Getz says ... "I represent the US Capitol Police wives who are bearing the weight right now, and we will not be ignored!"

She says on the day of the insurrection, she wrote 2 letters "begging" Police officials to vaccinate the rank and file, but as she says, "That fell on deaf ears." She says the night of January 6, her husband tested positive, adding, "We took every precaution, because I am immunocompromised, to be safe for almost 1 year but, our 14-year-old has it as of today."

And then, Getz bears in ... "These men and women did their job, and they did it well on January 6th and they have yet to complain ... that is where we come in.  We are offended that the US Capitol Police leadership failed your employees and our families."

She also wants to know, among other things, how they're handling PTSD with officers and their families.

Then Getz issues her ultimatum ... "The wives are expecting answers to our questions within 72 hours." She does not reveal their next move if nothing is done.

As TMZ reported, the rank and file are angry at the leadership for not giving them guidance on the use of force after the insurrection. Many are outraged the Acting Police Chief apologized to Congress for the failure to adequately prepare for January 6, yet she never apologized to her officers.

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