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Detroit Lions New Coach Gives Epic Intro Speech ... We'll Bite Off Knee Caps!!

Dan Campbell just had the best introductory news conference EVER ... the new Detroit Lions head coach delivered an epic speech -- promising his team will bite off knee caps!!

Campbell met with the media Thursday for the first time since Detroit hired him to be its new leader ... and the fiery former NFL tight end provided no shortage of sound bites.

Campbell cussed, dropping an S-bomb -- and then he guaranteed his Lions players will be some of the toughest on the planet!!

"Here's what I do know," a fired-up Campbell said. "This team is going to take on the identity of this city. All right? And this city's been down and found a way to get up, all right?"

"It's found a way to overcome adversity. And so this team's going to be built on, we're going to kick you in the teeth. All right? And when you punch us back, we're going to smile at you."

Throwing it back to the last time Dan Campbell wore the Honolulu Blue & Silver. #TBT

— Detroit Lions (@Lions) January 21, 2021

Campbell didn't stop there ...

"And when you knock us down, we're going to get up. And on the way up, we're going to bite a knee cap off. All right? And we're going to stand up and it's going to take two more shots to knock us down. All right?"

"And on the way up, we're going to take your other knee cap. And we're going to get up and it's going to take three shots to get us down. And when we do, we're going to take another hunk out of you. Before long, we're going to be the last one's standing."


All insane promises and guarantees aside ... Campbell has a daunting task ahead of him to get his team to practice what he's preaching -- the Lions haven't won a playoff game since 1991.

Better watch your knees regardless, NFC North!!

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