Jessie J Hospitalized, Unable to Walk or Hear

Singer Jessie J spent Christmas in the hospital, deaf and unable to walk, with a disease that has no cure.

Jessie J suffers from Meniere's disease ... an inner-ear condition that causes extreme ringing in the ear, hearing loss and vertigo.

The "Bang Bang" singer said she went totally deaf in her right ear and could not walk a straight line ... presumably from vertigo, which messes with your equilibrium, making the room spin.

The ringing in the ears can sound like a jet engine with unrelenting noise that is almost impossible to ignore.

Channing Tatum's on-again-off-again GF described it as "sound[ing] like there's someone trying to run out of my ear ... like someone crawled in and turned a hairdryer on."

She says she's on the upswing now ... feeling better. The symptoms typically come and go. Estimates are that 615,000 Americans suffer from Ménière’s and more than 45,000 cases are diagnosed every year.

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