
Adam Carolla Oh the Humanity!!! ... COVID Struggles in Bev Hills, Malibu Are Real!!!

COVID has ravaged communities across the country, but we haven't heard much about the struggles of the good folks in Beverly Hills and Malibu ... that is until now.

Adam Carolla joked about the 2 upscale towns, but there was a message in his sarcasm ... he thinks many of the COVID restrictions are absurd, nonsensical and impossible to unearth the logic behind them.

Adam was on his way to Mastro's Saturday night to outdoor dine, despite the fact that most parts of L.A. County are now prohibiting dining at restaurants, period.

He's railed on this before, but this time Adam really leans in and makes his case. Adam, who has 14-year-old twins, is head-scratching over school closures despite what he says is a lack of evidence that keeping them open would be COVID unsafe.

He also can't understand how restaurants can be shut down yet airlines can fly planes loaded with passengers who remove their masks to eat and drink. Carolla's been hypercritical of California Governor Gavin Newsom's restrictions and is supporting a recall effort that's underway.

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