United Airlines Explains Booting Family ... Over Toddler Refusing a Mask


10:25 AM PT -- United Airlines has responded to the incident, saying, "The health and safety of our employees and customers is our highest priority, which is why we have a multi-layered set of policies, including mandating that everyone onboard two and older wears a mask."


They continued, "We are investigating this specific incident and have made contact with the family. We also refunded their tickets and returned their car seat and bags."


One last thing ... sources connected to the airline tell us the family has NOT been banned from flying with them. We're also told UA is far from the only airline with this policy ... it's pretty much been adopted across the board here in the U.S. based on CDC recs.

This is insane ... a family was kicked off a United Airlines jet and banned for life ... all because their daughter refused to wear her mask ... AND SHE'S 2!

Eliz Orban and her husband boarded the jet from Denver to Newark with their little girl. The parents were masked up and tried hard to get their daughter to wear the mask, but she wasn't having it. Watch the video ... Eliz's husband pretty much did everything he could ... to no avail.

That's when a flight attendant came up to them and announced they were being booted from the jet. Eliz's husband tried explaining he did his best, and he was more than willing to cover his daughter's face, but the flight attendant wouldn't budge. They had to go.

Now get this ... United wouldn't remove their luggage from the cargo hold, and that included their daughter's car seat. And, on top of that, Eliz says United has permanently banned them from flying.

These are the mixed messages that are driving folks crazy. Governors are keeping pre-schools open because they say small kids don't pose much of a risk, yet this happens. The CDC has recommended children at the age of 2 or older should wear face masks, but this kid is right on the cusp at 2.

Originally published -- 8:46 AM PT