
Sarah Paulson & Beanie Feldstein What a Tripp!!! Flick on Lewinsky Scandal Comes to Life

Sarah Paulson and Beanie Feldstein appeared on set for the first time as Linda Tripp and Monica Lewinsky, and all that's left to say is ... bravo.

Sarah and Beanie unveiled their transformations Thursday in L.A. ... as the stars of "Impeachment: American Crime Story." The resemblances are uncanny -- even with masks -- making season 3 of the franchise that much more must-see viewing.

For the babies who don't know ... Tripp betrayed Monica's confidence by secretly recording her phone calls as Lewinsky unloaded on her long-running affair in 1998 with Bill Clinton ... an affair that began when she delivered a pizza to the Prez when she was a W.H. intern.

Tripp, who died in April, or we should say her recordings, played a pivotal role in the impeachment of Clinton.

Remember ... Sarah was also cast as prosecutor Marcia Clark in 'The People v. O.J. Simpson: American Crime Story" and, again, nailed the look. Those wardrobe/makeup folks, man.