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Jack Nicklaus Endorses Donald Trump ... Look Past His Bad Tweets

Golf legend Jack Nicklaus is officially endorsing Donald Trump -- saying he's "learned to look past" the President's flaws ... including bad tweets.

"I have had the privilege over the last 3-and-a-half years to get to know our current President a little more as his term progressed," the 80-year-old said in a statement Wednesday.

"I have been very disappointed at what he's had to put up with from many directions, but with that, I have seen a resolve and a determination to do the right thing for our country."

Nicklaus says Trump has "delivered on his promises. He's worked for the average person."

Then, Nicklaus addressed some of the controversial and offensive things Trump has said/tweeted over the years -- chalking it up as no big deal.

"You might not like the way our President says or tweets some things – and trust me, I have told him that! But, I have learned to look past that and focus on what he's tried to accomplish."

Jack says he's convinced Trump "has been more diverse than any President I have seen and has tried to help people from all walks of life -- equally."

"This is not a personality contest; it's about patriotism, policies and the people they impact," Nicklaus continued.

"His love for America and its citizens, and putting his country first, has come through loud and clear. How he has said it has not been important to me. What has been important are his actions. Now you have the opportunity to take action."

He concluded, "I strongly recommend you consider Donald J. Trump for another 4 years. I certainly have and have already cast my vote for him."

For his part, Trump liked the endorsement -- saying, "Jack, this is a great honor. Thank you!"

Jack, this is a Great Honor. Thank you!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 29, 2020