Zoo Atlanta

Giant Panda Twins 4th Birthday Party!!! Bear-ly Containin' Themselves

Ya Lun and Xi Lun -- the only giant panda twins in America -- got to chow down and chill out to celebrate their birthday ... so a pretty typical day for them, but with presents.

The cute and cuddly beasts were treated Thursday by Zoo Atlanta's Panda Care Team with a "special birthday enrichment" in their big dayroom area ... which included ice cakes, sugarcane "candles" with sweet potato "flames" and birthday boxes to bust open and enjoy.

Inside those boxes -- more treats ... like leaf-eater biscuits, apples, bananas, and sweet potatoes. Pretty awesome gifts for any 4-year-old panda ... sure looks that way anyhow.

The video's beyond adorable and a welcome break from the endless bad news 2020 keeps dumping on us. If you wanna see more ... the zoo's got a panda cam!!!

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