Product Photography Placement is Everything ... Learn to Capture It Through a Lens

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Okay, so you know how to point and shoot a camera ... but do you know the art that is product photography???

Yes, you're cute, but your selfies aren't the only worthy thing of being captured ... and companies are ready to dish out a pretty penny if you know the secrets to capturing their products on camera and making 'em look greater than they actually might be. It's a craft.

That's where the Master Product Photography Course comes into play. After 20 hours, you won't just see the fruit bowl in your kitchen as an inanimate object ... it'll transform into the subject of your photos -- just add some snazzy light and work your angles ... and presto!

You're in good company because product photographer Tony Rosland is the brains behind this online operation ... and the voice that'll guide you through all this. A simple Google search of his name lets you know that he's LEGIT.

You'll tackle a ton of digital workshops from equipment and lenses to lighting and modifiers, walkthrough 12 different virtual "photoshoots", and even get a resume-worthy certificate at the end. Every business with a catalog, editorial department and commercial clients will be vying to get your attention.

Plus, it's only $20 for a wealth of knowledge ... yea, that's sounds like a win-win in our books.

Click here for info about our online advertising practices.