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Lori Loughlin, Mossimo Giannulli Lori Gets 2 Months in Prison, Hubby Gets 5 Months ... She Delivers Tearful Apology

Lori Loughlin and her husband, Mossimo Giannulli, have learned their fate in their college admissions scandal -- they’re both going to prison for a bit … bringing a case full of interesting twists and turns to a close.

The judge has accepted the plea deals the couple agreed to back in May. This means Lori’s sentenced to 2 months behind bars, a $150,000 fine and 2 years probation ... along with performing 100 hours of community service.

She appeared before the judge Friday via Zoom with her lawyer, just like her husband did hours earlier. During the hearing, one of the prosecutors sounded off on her, saying despite her family's advantages ... "her children stole tuition spots from more capable and deserving students."

Lori responded with a tearful apology, saying ... "I've made an awful decision. I went along with a plan to give my daughters an unfair advantage in the college decision process. I thought I was acting out of love for my children, but in reality, it only undermined my daughter's abilities and accomplishments. My decision helped exacerbate existing inequalities in society."

She said she wishes she could change the past, but takes responsibility for her actions. Lori added ... "I believe in God and I believe in redemption, and I will do everything in my power to redeem myself and do good and give back for the rest of my life. I am truly profoundly and deeply sorry."

The judge told her he believes she's remorseful and sorry, and hopes she's true to her word about making amends for what she did for the rest of her life.

Though the couple both pled guilty to conspiracy to commit wire and mail fraud, Lori’s hubby also pled guilty to an additional charge of honest services wire and mail fraud … so his sentence is a bit harsher.

The judge sentenced Mossimo to 5 months incarceration, a fine of $250k and supervised release for 2 years after his prison sentence. He must also perform 250 hours of community service.

He also addressed the judge, saying ... "I deeply regret the harm that my actions have caused my daughters, my wife and others. I take full responsibility for my conduct and I'm ready to accept the consequences and move forward with the lessons I've learned from this experience."

Based on their deals, house arrest is off the table ... they will actually have to go to prison. As for which one, Mossimo's lawyer recommended the Lompoc Prison in California ... and the judge agreed he should stay close to home. Lori's lawyer suggested one even closer for her.

The Federal Board of Prisons will ultimately decide though, but given that both are first time offenders, convicted of non-violent crimes, it's likely they'll go to a minimum-security facility -- not unlike the one in Northern California where Felicity Huffman did 11 days soft time.

You'll recall ... Lori and Mossimo were just 2 of the 53 people indicted in the college admissions scandal. They were accused of paying $500,000 in bribes to get their daughters Olivia Jade and Bella into USC, and faking a photo to make it look like the girls were college-caliber rowers.

One final thing ... given the COVID pandemic, once Lori and Mossimo start serving their sentences ... if the virus is spreading inside the prison, they could ask for compassionate release and serve the balance at home. That's already been done in a number of cases, so it's a real possibility for them.