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Britney Spears I Want My Dad Off Conservatorship ... At Least as a Solo Act

Britney Spears is looking to make some big changes to her conservatorship -- and she's firmly against her father, Jamie, continuing to run the whole show.

Britney's court-appointed attorney just filed new court docs spelling out Britney's wishes -- she wants Jamie Spears out as sole conservator over her estate and appears to want the woman who since last Fall has been calling the shots to be the permanent conservator over her regular person.

In the docs, the lawyer says Britney "strongly prefers" keeping Jodi Montgomery in the position -- who has been assigned as the temporary conservator over Britney's person for nearly a year now. At this point, she says she wants to put her in that role permanently.

As for her business affairs, Britney's attorney says she doesn't want Jamie to be the only one handling her estate anymore -- which he's been managing exclusively since 2019 when his co-conservator resigned.

Instead, he says Britney prefers a "qualified corporate fiduciary" to manage the business affairs of her estate. But, what's unclear in the docs is if she's okay with keeping Jamie on as a co-conservator at all.

Sources with knowledge of the situation tell us conversations have been had about adding a corporate fiduciary -- which we're told would likely be a bank -- but that the talks have included Jamie staying on as co-conservator of the estate. The wording from Britney's side in the docs isn't clear if she's still open to that arrangement or not.

The docs also say what we told you last year ... Britney no longer wants to perform at this time -- as in, no more Vegas residency. The attorney says a major overhaul in how her conservatorship is run is needed to reflect her current lifestyle and her wishes.

Britney's attorney is seeking input on these matters from all others involved in her conservatorship. There's a hearing on the matter on Wednesday.