
Ben Affleck, Ana De Armas We Went Hog Wild on Ben's Bday!!!

Ben Affleck and Ana De Armas hit the road Saturday on a brand new motorcycle, and it looks like a birthday present as Ben inches closer to 50.

Ben actually just turned 48, a perfect age for a chopper that may have been a birthday gift from his GF.

Ana's got no fear riding behind Ben. At times her arms are outstretched and then she flashes a victory sign.


They seem super serious now. It was back in March when they unveiled their romance when they took a trip together to Cuba.

Ben recently visited Ana on the set of her new movie. Earlier this month they went on a double date with his lifelong buddy, Matt Damon, and his wife, Luciana Barroso.

They've even gone house hunting, although it's unclear for whom.