
Amazon Hawking U.K. Shoes ... N-Word Used to Describe Color!!!


1:34 PM PT -- Amazon has pulled the item, telling us, "All sellers must follow our selling guidelines and those who do not will be subject to action including potential removal of their account. The product in question is no longer available."

Amazon's hawking a British line of men's shoes, but shockingly didn't catch the blatantly racist description for one of the shoe colors.

The "Florence Shakespeare" line is peddling its leather Oxford shoes, and the Amazon listing shows you can get 'em in lots of colors, including "N*****-brown." As of this posting ... those words, uncensored, are live on Amazon.

The rest of the posting reads like a normal shoe ad. The first line says, "Occasion:Whether you are working,driving,wedding,Business or other casual lifestyles it is a great choice to wear." However, the rest is jumbled with awful grammar -- so, it feels like something someone threw up as a racist gag/scam.

Still, the fact that it went live on Amazon has to make ya wonder what the screening process is like -- as in, do any human eyeballs get a final look before it's posted.

We've reached out to Amazon for comment ... so far, no word back.

Originally Published -- 1:09 PM PT