COVID Face Masks Basic Won't Cut It ... Time to Get Fancy, Dual Valves!!!

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Tired of your own hot fumes blowing right back into your face with that oh-so-simple surgical Rite Aid mask? Yeah, we figured ... so here's a little breath of fresh air.

It's called the CompressMax Air™ Face Mask + Filter -- a face covering that's perfect for the athletic types, or for those who just want an easier way to breathe during 'rona times. In any case, this mask is the perfect solution -- and the best part ... it's just $20 through us.

It goes well beyond your run of the mill cloth mask ... instead, it's heavy-hitting (or protecting, rather) with its removable PM2.5 activated carbon filters that offer 5 layers of protection against harmful airborne particles. If that sounds a bit too suffocating, fret not -- the dual inhalation valves it comes with ensure you'll never get an out-of-breath sensation.

For added comfort, it's also sporting adjustable velcro straps and non-slip ear cords ... meaning your workout can carry on like normal, without a face mask slipping on and off.

Oh, and if you need some extra protection, we got you. The one-time $20 payment gives you access to just one shipment, but you can get as many filters as you need -- the mask and 6 filters runs ya just $30 and 11 costs just $9 more. We got options available.

Smell that? It's a new high-end face mask on its way. Refreshing, indeed.

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