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NBA's Jimmy Butler Security Responds To Complaint Stop Dribbling In Your Hotel Room!!!

Pray for whoever is staying under Jimmy Butler's hotel room in the NBA bubble ... 'cause the Miami Heat star got busted by security for making too much noise ... and it was all because of a hardcore workout sesh.

Of course, players and staffers who entered the Orlando bubble are forced to quarantine in their rooms for 48 hours before being allowed to roam the campus ... and Butler decided to use it as an opportunity to hone his ball-handling skills.

The 30-year-old -- who is known to take his practice VERY seriously -- was dribbling throughout his room last week ... which led to someone snitching to security about a loud bumping noise.

According to Chris Haynes of Yahoo! Sports, security had to go check on Butler ... who was decked out in practice gear and drenched in sweat when he opened the door.

"He was dribbling a basketball throughout his room the whole time," Haynes said.

Now that the quarantine period is over, Butler can practice the old-fashioned way ... and whoever is staying under him can finally get some rest.


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