
O.J. Simpson Cuts Through Busy Vegas Restaurant ... Mask-Free BDay Party!!!

Here's O.J. Simpson cutting his way through a packed restaurant in Sin City on his birthday ... and The Juice doesn't seem too concerned with face coverings and social distancing.

The convicted felon wouldn't let the coronavirus pandemic stop him from celebrating his 73rd bday, hitting up Jing Las Vegas in Downtown Summerlin late Thursday night  ... and one blonde woman wouldn't let the fact he killed 2 people in 1994 stop her from getting an O.J. bear hug.

As you can see, there was lots of close contact, flirting and handshaking as O.J. went without a mask indoors. BTW ... wearing a mask in Vegas is mandatory in public and while walking through restaurants, but you can take it off when seated at a table.

O.J.'s definitely rolling the dice with COVID-19 -- his age certainly puts him at higher risk -- but it's Vegas, after all, where rolling the dice is encouraged.

DJ Liz Clark wore a mask in the booth while spinning tunes for O.J.'s birthday bash, which we're told was fueled by flowing champagne.

The Juice enjoyed some cake as part of his birthday presentation ... and naturally, O.J. had multiple beautiful lady friends throughout the evening.

Simpson has been out of prison since Oct. 2017 after spending nearly 9 years behind bars for a 2007 armed robbery ... and this is the typical treatment he gets in public these days.

Fans love lining up for photo ops with The Juice at all sorts of Sin City hot spots ... he got up close and personal with two blondes on a Vegas dance floor last year, but this is the first time we've seen O.J. somewhere other than a golf course since the outbreak.

As you know ... O.J. was found not guilty of murder, in the criminal case, in the deaths of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ron Goldman ... but Simpson was later sued for wrongful death by Ron's family where a jury found O.J. liable and ordered him to pay $33 mil. He hasn't paid anything.

Bottom line ... ditching a mask and forgetting social distancing in a packed house in the middle of a deadly pandemic still isn't the worst decision O.J. ever made!!! Not even close.