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SEC Urging Miss. To Change State Flag ... Threatens To Pull Title Games

The SEC wants Mississippi to change its state flag ASAP ... and if it refuses -- the conference's commish is threatening to pull all future titles games out of the state.

SEC honcho Greg Sankey made the announcement Thursday ... saying "it is past time" government officials pull the plug on a flag that features prominent ties to the Confederacy.

"Our students deserve an opportunity to learn and compete in environments that are inclusive and welcoming to all," Sankey said.

"In the event there is no change, there will be consideration of precluding Southeastern Conference championship events from being conducted in the State of Mississippi until the flag is changed."

Of course, Sankey's press on Mississippi lawmakers is just the latest in a long line of efforts from Americans to cut ties with its Confederacy past.

Cities all over the country have ripped down statues of Confederate leaders in the wake of George Floyd's death ... while NASCAR has permanently banned the Confederate flag from its race tracks.

For their part, SEC programs Mississippi State Univ. (NFL star Dak Prescott's alma mater) and Ole Miss are backing their conference's leader in the fight against the flag.

"Since 2015, our Student Association, Robert Holland Faculty Senate and university administration have been firmly on record in support of changing the state flag," Miss. St. President Mark E. Keenum said.

"I have reiterated that view to our state's leaders on multiple occasions, including during face-to-face discussions in recent days and hours."

Added Ole Miss leadership, "Mississippi needs a flag that represents the qualities about our state that unite us, not those that still divide us."