There's little more intense than watching a high-wire act, but when you add in a daring rescue all bets are off -- thankfully, monkeys are pretty good at this stuff.
This high drama played out in northern India when somehow a little primate found itself in a precarious situation ... stranded on some power lines too far from a rooftop to jump back to safety.
As the baby monkey struggled to hold on and cried for help, its mother got busy working on a rescue plan, and mustering up the courage to risk her own life.
After a couple tense minutes, and another anxious monkey from the pack coming over to watch, the mama finally made the leap -- but she had to abort the plan and reassess.
Her second attempt went much better, though ... and she quickly scooped the babe up in her arms and jumped back to the roof safely. Whew!!
No biz like show biz, but monkey business is pretty damn entertaining.
And, we know what you're thinking -- we know it's the mama monkey, because papa monkey went out for smokes.