Cleveland Cavs star Kevin Love is back to work -- training at the team facility in Ohio -- but it sounds super weird!
"Our facility has been really odd because we have to do 1 guy to a basket and we have 4 main baskets at our facility, and everybody is in masks and gloves,” Love told Yahoo Sports.
"It’s really odd to have a rebounder in a mask, in these latex gloves, throwing passes and throwing you a ball. You almost have to put that out of your mind and act like it’s not even there."
“The players are the only people not shooting with the gloves on.”
Don't get it twisted, salute to the Cavs for imposing strict COVID-19 safety measures ... but it sounds like a strange scene, to say the least.
Love also says everyone in the organization is constantly disinfecting, washing their hands and social distancing.
31-year-old Love is clearly glad to be back to work -- "I think it's needed" -- and says he's one of the players REALLY hoping for the NBA season to resume in 2020.
"I can’t imagine what it’s going to be like getting back and playing with no fans or fans kind of scattered out through the arena. It's going to be really, really odd to see how sports slowly start to roll themselves out, but I think it’s needed."
He added, "I’m fingers crossed for the season to resume."