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NBA China TV Still Banning Games After Daryl Morey Tweet

As it turns out, time DOESN'T heal all wounds ... 'cause China's state-run TV network is holding firm on blacking out NBA games following Daryl Morey's support for Hong Kong protesters last year.

Remember, the Houston Rockets GM started an international crap storm for tweeting "Fight for Freedom. Stand with Hong Kong," with a pic of pro-democracy protesters in Hong Kong in October.

The Tweet created a ton of backlash in China ... with massive Chinese e-commerce site Taobao yanking all Rockets merchandise and CCTV pulling NBA games from broadcast.

China Central Television released a statement to the Global Times in Beijing earlier this week ... "reiterating its consistent stance on national sovereignty" -- AKA, the NBA is still banned from TV.

The statement comes one day after Michael Ma -- son of CCTV co-founder Ma Guoli -- was named the CEO of NBA China ... which initially led people to believe the NBA could return to programming.

But, all that speculation can be put to rest with CCTV shooting down the rumors.

Sorry to all NBA fans in China hoping to see some action if/when the season returns.