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Dr. Anthony Fauci These Suds Are for You, Doc!!! Craft Beer Bears His Name

Dr. Anthony Fauci fills our minds with crucial knowledge about the coronavirus, and now he can fill you up with a tangy brew, too -- he's got his own beer down South.

Check out this new line that Wild Heaven Beer just rolled out, called Fauci Spring. The Georgia microbrewery decided to make a pale ale made with acai -- the super-hip superfood that's supposed to be good for your health. So, yeah ... Fauci works.

Fauci's can is a deep sea blue, and they've also rolled out a companion lager ... Don't Stand So Close to Me. Clever and refreshing ... if you're looking for a laugh to go with your buzz.

You've probably heard, or experienced, beer sales have spiked during quarantine, and now Fauci can get in on the action ... in spirit. Or rather, malt. As for how these new brews taste ... the jury's still out. If you're a fruity beer guy or gal, it'll probably be right up your alley.

And, perhaps more pressing of a question ... how are people supposed to get their hands on these??? Presumably, Wild Heaven will get 'em into local grocery stores ASAP. Warm weather is coming, and people are trapped inside ... perfect time to roll out a summery brew. Just sayin' ...

Cheers to crazy times!!!