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Working from Home Americans Boozing on the Job ... Beer's No. 1, Go Figure

Americans are apparently getting thirstier by the day during stay-at-home orders -- because a lot of our workforce stuck indoors cope to knocking back a few while on the clock.

A new study released by -- which is, ironically, meant to help people kick booze -- shows that citizens in every state in this fine country admit they've been drinking on the job while under quarantine. The numbers might actually surprise you a bit.

Starting out in the Golden State, 38% of Californians report drinking during work-from-home hours, Floridians and Texans clock in at 22% and New Yorkers are at 38%.

The highest numbers are dispersed throughout the midwest and plains states -- Nebraska, Kansas, Oklahoma and Iowa all have percentages in the 40s. Idaho, Nevada and Montana too.

Interestingly, the 2 states at the 50% mark are Virginia and tiny New Hampshire. Exactly half of their citizenry say they're burning the midnight tequila.

BTW, a fifth of the people surveyed divulged they'd stockpiled booze in anticipation of being at home. The study also shows that beer is the drink of choice for most people, and one-third are likely to sip in isolation.

So, a little pandemic ain't gonna curb our drinking habits one bit. Sorry, bosses. 'Merica!!!