CTV News

Justin Trudeau I 'Moistly' Regret Saying This ... 'What A Terrible Image!!!'

Here's Justin Trudeau putting a super-gross image in the minds of Canadians dealing with the coronavirus pandemic -- he says face coverings prevent you from "speaking moistly."

Canada's Prime Minister uttered the phrase Tuesday during his daily address on the virus ... and ya gotta see the video, because he's getting roasted online!!!

It's kinda hilarious, but mostly awkward ... Justin's talking about the benefits of protective face masks when he says "it prevents you from breathing or speaking moistly" on others.

The PM instantly knew he'd just stepped in it. He paused, then admitted he'd just given life to a "terrible image."

Fox News

See, America? It's not just our leaders who put their feet in their mouths during virus briefings. As they say, misery loves company.

Jump in, Canada ... the water's warm. Ya might even say moist. Ewww