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Coronavirus Music, Voice Lessons On the Rise ... Learning From Home!!!

People with extra time on their hands are turning to creative outlets during coronavirus isolation ... learning to play new instruments and getting tailored voice lessons.

Here's the deal ... some of the biggest providers of online music lessons and voice coaching are telling us the same thing, business is booming during the pandemic.

Music To Your Home, which provides music lessons in NYC and online, tells TMZ ... they're seeing a 20% increase in their online lesson service compared to the same time last year, and new clients are streaming in from all corners of the globe.

We're told people are taking multiple lessons a week, an increase from before the outbreak, and parents are signing up their kids. The most popular lessons -- piano, guitar and voice.

Music To Your Home says most clients have mentioned wanting to learn a new skill while in isolation ... and some folks have expressed a desire to come out of the pandemic with a new sense of accomplishment.

Ultimate Voice Builder, operated by celeb voice coach Gary Catona, tells TMZ ... people are coming in droves seeking to work on their voices for presentations, singing and tone, and the waitlist is backed up for the next few months for personal online classes.

And, over the past two weeks, UVB says downloads for voice lesson eBooks have increased 100%. BTW, Gary's the guy who helped Renee Zellweger sing like Judy Garland.

Lessonface, which offers musical and voice lessons, tells TMZ ... the number of sign-ups have increased 10-fold since March 19, and lessons have doubled overall.

We're told the new clients are mostly teachers and schoolchildren, with a few senior citizens sprinkled in. The old folks say they want to connect with others and finally learn an instrument.

It's pretty cool ... Lessonface says their most popular offerings are guitar, violin, piano and ukelele!

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