Coronavirus Super-Creative, Homemade Masks

If necessity really is the mother of invention, then lots of folks have stepped up with their own ways of staying relatively safe during the coronavirus pandemic.

Check out our gallery of homemade protective masks or reasonable facsimiles thereof. From party hats to a giant water bottle ... they hopefully do the trick.

As you know, or should know by now, we're all being advised not to wear the professional-grade masks which are in extremely short supply and reserved for frontline health care workers, so the creative ones are welcome by all.

As for how to make a homegrown mask, the CDC recommends it fit snugly but comfortably and secured with ties or ear loops. It should also include multiple layers of fabric and allow for unrestricted breathing. It should also be laundry friendly.

The CDC has recommended wearing face coverings when out in public, but some members of the Coronavirus Task Force are now urging us to stay clear of grocery stores and pharmacies for the next 2 weeks ... which is going to be a rough period for all of us.