Alcoholics Anonymous is a lifeline for thousands and thousands of people struggling to keep their addiction in check ... and the org is adapting to the drastic changes brought on by the coronavirus pandemic ... AA meetings are going virtual thanks to some pretty cool tech.
People across the country have relied on AA as their daily gut check for years, but traditional meetings have fallen by the wayside due to the outbreak ... and luckily, local chapters are now holding meetings online.
Here's how it works ... AA chapters are using services like Zoom, allowing members to have video chats at their regularly scheduled daily times. There are also dedicated phone numbers for folks to call into.
AA's General Service Office in New York City, which serves thousands of people, has already been closed to visitors and tours because of COVID-19, making these virtual meetings a much-needed support system for folks to stay sober.
Lots of people in AA also have sober buddy systems, which they can't use right now, so online forums and video chats are a huge help.
Being forced to stay home for long periods of time ain't exactly great for anyone's sanity ... so it's good to see AA doing everything it can to keep people on the wagon.