
'Save My Skin' Doctor I Treat Patients and Try to End Stigma ... But It Ain't for the Queasy!!!

Dr. Emma Craythorne arguably has one of the grossest jobs in the world, but it's also incredibly important -- not just to her patients, she says, but to humanity in general.

The good doctor -- one of England's top dermatologists and star of TLC's new show "Save My Skin" -- joined us on TMZ Live. Right off the bat, she called us out for pixelating the "best bits" of her show clips.

Sorry doc, there's only so much gnarly pus coming out of a person's body we can take.

Dr. Craythorne says that's part of the point of her show. Yes, she's helping people with some pretty gruesome ailments and diseases improve their quality of life and confidence -- if not flat out saving their lives. However, she says there's also a major misconception about people with certain skin conditions.

Watch the clip, she's here to educate folks, and end the stigma surrounding patients.

That being said, "Save My Skin" -- airing Thursday nights -- ain't for the weak of stomach.

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