This is the best video you'll see all day ... nearly 200 students from LeBron James' I Promise school network found out they were getting FREE college tuition, and the moment's awesome!!
The junior class from Bron's program was told they were going on a college visit to Kent State University in Northeast Ohio ... but when they arrived on campus, they got a whole lot more than a tour.
School officials revealed that all 193 kids would have all 4 years of their schooling paid for ... as well as, 1 free year of room and board.
Naturally, the kids freaked out!!
It's not something to take lightly ... tuition for in-state students is around $11K a year. 193 students attending for 4 years costs over $8 million.
While the school won't have to front all that money ... it's still a huge chunk of change.
It's not just a handout for the students ... they have to maintain a good standing with the school by attending class, getting good grades, and volunteering in the community.
This is just the beginning ... remember, when LeBron opened his school he vowed to provide college tuition for all of his students.