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Pornhub Sued You Make it Hard for Deaf to Enjoy!!!


4:47 PM PT -- Pornhub's VP, Corey Price, tells TMZ ... "We understand that Yaroslav Suris is suing Pornhub for claiming we’ve denied the deaf and hearing impaired access to our videos. While we do not generally comment on active lawsuits, we’d like to take this opportunity to point out that we do have a closed captions category."

Pornhub has shut one man out of enjoying his favorite naked vids to their full potential -- and violating federal law in the process -- so he's filed a class-action lawsuit.

Yaroslav Suris is suing the popular porn site claiming it's denied the deaf and hearing-impaired access to its videos that others can easily enjoy. According to docs, obtained by TMZ, Suris says a lack of closed-captioning violates their rights under the Americans with Disabilities Act.

In docs, Suris says the deaf and hearing impaired can't understand the audio portion of videos on the websites. Some of the titles Suris says he watched but was completely lost on dialogue -- "Hot Step Aunt Babysits Disobedient Nephew," "Sexy Cop Gets Witness to Talk" and "Daddy 4K -- Allison comes to Talk About Money to Her Boys' Naughty Father."

What's more ... Suris says he and those in similar situations would shell out dough for Pornhub's premium subscription but calls it pointless without closed-captioning. #Priorities

He's suing to get Pornhub to be inclusive and add closed-captioning ... plus damages. We've reached out to Pornhub for comment, so far, no word back.

It's sort of like buying Playboy for the articles.

Originally published -- 3:24 PM PT