
Chester Bennington Ex-Wife Scores 50% of His Linkin Park Royalties

Chester Bennington's ex-wife just scored a major victory ... the executor of his Estate is earmarking 50% of the Estate's Linkin Park royalties to her.

Samantha Bennington -- who was married to Chester between 1996 and 2005 -- filed a claim with the Estate demanding the royalties as well as child support. The child support portion was withdrawn back in June. They had one son together.

The executor filed legal docs with the probate court, stating that he would allow Samantha's royalties claim, which includes a share of the non-touring merch, publishing rights and a share of the master sound records.

The executor made no mention of child support.

What's interesting ... the executor is Chester's widow, Talinda, so she seems down with Samantha getting her cut.

Chester committed suicide in July 2017.