
Drake's Dad Lookin' for Love ... On Reality TV!!!

The next TV bachelor to make the ladies swoon as they compete for his love is none other than ... Dennis Graham! Dennis Graham??? You're damn straight.

It makes sense if you think about it -- he's single, rich, lives in L.A., loves to party and ... oh yeah, his kid is one of the biggest performers in the world. Who's not lining up for a shot at being Drake's stepmom???

Sources close to Dennis tell TMZ ... at least 2 TV networks agree he's quite the catch -- he's in serious talks to land a show chronicling his search for a soulmate.

We're told viewers will also get a glimpse of Graham's life of luxury ... clubbing, driving expensive cars and of course, all the fringe benefits of being Drake's pops.

Our sources say Dennis had multiple meetings -- with his partner and reality TV guru David Weintraub -- last week to pitch the project, and there's strong interest from Vice and WE tv. He's expecting a signed deal sometime next week.

As for potential contestants on Dennis' dating show ... he's famously ducked revealing his age, so the ladies will have to be cool with that. Also, we're not saying this is a lock but remember ... Drake is consistently single. Ya can't rule out a mother-daughter double date.

We told ya, Blac Chyna's mom is already on the hunt for love on reality TV. What's good for Tokyo Toni, could be great for Dennis.