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Tick Fire Gentle Barn Evacuates ... Older Animals Stay Behind

The famous Gentle Barn went under evacuation because of California's devastating Tick Fire ... but some of the older animals are still in harm's way.

While a majority of the creatures who call The Gentle Barn home have made it to safety ... founder Ellie Laks tells us staff members are staying behind with several animals who were unable to escape.

We're told Zeus, a famous 12-year-old pig, and Forgiveness, a 3,000-pound cow, couldn't climb a ladder to safety ... so they were forced to stay back with staffers, who are keeping them contained in a safety fence.

The Gentle Barn

Check out the video ... you see Zoe the horse blanching when handlers tried to get her in the trailer. We're told Zoe was just too terrified.

11 animals remained on property at The Gentle Barn in Santa Clarita ... including a bunch of potbelly pigs. Several workers spent the night with the critters who couldn't make it out.

Even some of the evacuated animals are not in the clear ... goats and sheep were taken to an "unsafe zone" where coyotes and bobcats roam. Gentle Barn workers are watching over them, and we're told they're searching for a safer area to hold the animals.

The good news ... the Tick Fire is moving away from The Gentle Barn ... but we're told staff remains on high alert and they've got their hands full assisting animals at various locations. The fire is only 5 percent contained and 50,000 residents have been evacuated.

The Gentle Barn is super popular with famous folk ... Moby and Daisy Fuentes tried to help in the evacuation, however, we're told Moby was stopped from entering the property by firefighters.

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