
Lori Loughlin More Likely to Cop a Plea ... After Felicity's Sentence

Lori Loughlin may not go to trial after all in her college admissions case, because our sources say there's an opening now for a plea bargain in the wake of Felicity Huffman's superlight sentence.

Multiple sources involved in the various college admissions cases say Lori's big break came with the probation department's sentencing report for Felicity ... specifically, the part where the dept. says no one suffered a loss as a result of the actress's conduct. Prosecutors argued someone who took the SAT was probably denied admission somewhere because Felicity's daughter scored higher than she should have because of a rigged test. Probation said ... not the case.

As we reported, our U.S. Attorney sources tell us prosecutors wanted a year behind bars for Felicity. The fact that they only got 14 days, and the probation department would have been fine with no prison time and straight probation has caused concern for the U.S. Attorney.

Prosecutors, we're told, are worried it will become an embarrassment for the office if Lori goes to trial, gets convicted and gets a short sentence. And remember, Felicity rigged an SAT test that potentially affects every applicant. With Lori, even though she paid way more ($500,000), the bribe didn't really affect anyone else.

Sources with direct knowledge on the subject tell us the U.S. Attorney is open to plea discussions, and that is far more likely now that a possible sentence for Lori could be measured in weeks and not years. Remember, if you look just at the charges, Lori faces a maximum of 40 years. It won't look good if prosecutors go to trial, win a conviction and she gets 3 or 4 weeks behind bars.

So, the smart money now ... plea bargain before trial.