
Judge Judy Here's What I Wanted for My Bday ... And Here's What I Got!!!

Judge Judy's birthday wish list was a little steep for her husband, but she says he did his best -- and, let's be real ... she can easily buy anything she wants, anyway.

We got JJ and her hubs, fellow jurist Jerry Sheindlin, Monday at the Montage in Bev Hills and wished her a happy birthday ... and she dished on what he got her.

It seems Jerry came up a bit short on the brand new Aston Martin she requested, but ya gotta see his pretty hilarious explanation for getting her the next best thing.

Speaking of gifts, our photog gave Judge Judy a birthday card and a lifetime pass to take a TMZ Celebrity Tour. We won't hold our breath, though, sounds like she's a little too busy to take advantage anytime soon.

Judy's now 77, but she's still signed on to do her show for a couple more years and like she tells us ... retirement's not really her jam.

HBD, Your Honor!!!

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