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BIG3's Ice Cube To Lamar Odom ... Try Out Again Next Year!

Ice Cube is offering an olive branch to Lamar Odom ... sorta ... telling the guy he can come back and try out for the BIG3 again next year -- if he can get his ass in shape. 

Remember, Cube and the BIG3 gave Odom his walking papers last week -- essentially saying he wasn't physically ready to compete with the rest of the players in the 3-on-3 basketball league. 

Odom had shot back and said he KNEW he wasn't in peak physical condition but had been working out in the gym with the hopes of being in game shape by Week 4. 

Now, Cube is sending a message back to Odom ... telling the former NBA superstar the door isn't closed on a BIG3 comeback, but he needs to prove he can hang. 

"Next year, he can come try out," Cube said at LAX ... while offering this piece of advice -- "Get in shape!"

It seems unlikely that Odom -- who's turning 40 in November -- will take Cube up on his offer but the guy has overcome worse odds ... like when he survived that drug overdose!! 

Bottom line, don't count Odom out just yet.