Wendy Williams It's All Good Vibes for Show Staff ... Since Kevin Left!!!

"The Wendy Williams Show" has never been better -- as far as the staff is concerned -- and it's all due to her estranged husband's departure.

As you know, Wendy is going through a divorce with Kevin Hunter, who was a producer of her talk show until he left in April amid their rising relationship drama. According to sources close to the TV show ... the collective feeling about his departure was GOOD RIDDANCE.

We're told several staff members called Kevin leaving a "breath of fresh air" ... and say the work environment has been 100 percent less hostile. Our sources say Hunter was notorious for being overly controlling and unpleasant, and had employees in constant fear of being fired.

Kevin's exit has had a huge positive impact on Wendy too. We're told she seemed back to her regular, down to earth self in the final weeks of taping before the show went on hiatus ... and you'd never know she was going through a nasty divorce by the way she was on set.


Williams has been enjoying her single life lately -- especially with her new, young "friend," Marc Tomblin -- but the ex-couple have also been exchanging barbs as their divorce moves ahead.

Wendy accused Kevin of keeping her cooped up at home and treating her like a "show pony," and he fired back by calling her lazy.

There's also the issue between Kevin and their son, Kevin Jr., which isn't any closer to being mended.

All that aside, it seems like everyone working for Wendy is happy and rejuvenated, and we're told they're excited to get back to filming the show after its break ... sans Kevin, of course.

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