Dwayne Bowe Chiefs 'Pulling For' Tyreek Hill ... Amid Child Abuse Probe

Tyreek Hill's teammates still have his back and are still pulling for him to rejoin the team ... so says Dwayne Bowe, who tells TMZ Sports he heard that straight from Chiefs players last week.

"When I talk to guys on the team, they're still rooting for him," the ex-Kansas City wideout says ... "They're pulling for him."

As we previously reported ... Hill's been indefinitely banished from the Chiefs until an investigation into child abuse allegations finishes up in Missouri.

Bowe says both he AND current Chiefs players are still in Hill's corner for now ... and claims the only way they're going to change their mind is when all the facts come out about the case.

"It's all he said, she said until the final word is out," Bowe tells us.

In the meantime, Bowe is vouching for Tyreek, saying, "He's a good guy. I've met him. I really don't believe all the things I hear on the internet and in the news."

As for how the whole drama is impacting the current team ... Bowe says he doesn't see it affecting K.C. much -- he tells us the team looked GREAT when he was out at practice last week.

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