Danny Trejo I'm a Boner Advocate Now!!!

Danny Trejo has a solution for erectile dysfunction -- so get giddy, but first he needs you guys to get honest.

We got "Machete" himself out Tuesday night in Hollywood and just had to ask him about getting in the weak boner game. That's right, Danny's now the face of a new erectile dysfunction wearable product.

Check out the clip ... Danny went all gaga about his new employer, and explains how he got involved. The Taco Man says, guys ... who don't admit their pig whistle loses air every now and then are straight-up LYING!!!

The company's in the early stages of raising money to make the product but liars all over the world can remain discreet and pre-order now. In fact, the company's betting it'll get the backing it needs cause it's already put out a hilarious commercial ... starring their new penis pitch guy, of course.

Trejo's not alone, though ... the ad features some other stars you probably wouldn't guess would appear to push the boner product -- from a model and world class athlete to a 'Housewife.'

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