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Antonio Brown Fined $25 For Driving At Safe Speed ... .00005% Of New Contract

Antonio Brown's bank account is now .00005 percent less than what it was yesterday ... 'cause the NFL superstar was just fined a whopping $25 in court after pleading guilty to "Driving at Safe Speed."

For real.

Here's the deal ... AB was busted back in November after cops say they caught his black Porsche going 100-plus MPH in a 45 just outside of Pittsburgh.

KDKA-TV EXCLUSIVE VIDEO: Pittsburgh #Steelers wide receiver Antonio Brown being pulled over and cited for reckless driving for allegedly going 100+ mph in a 45 mph on McKnight Road outside of #Pittsburgh. Details: https://t.co/vZoFsaxmwQ pic.twitter.com/Smf589DYHx

Brown was cited for reckless driving, and after he failed to show up for his court date in February ... he was found guilty of the charge and was sentenced to pay around $400 in fines and fees.

But, AB appealed the case ... and actually showed up for his new hearing Tuesday (he made a video from inside the courthouse!) -- and ended up pleading guilty to a lesser charge of "Driving at Safe Speed."

No, that's not a typo -- "driving at a safe speed" is an actual violation in Pennsylvania -- defined as driving "a vehicle at a speed greater than is reasonable and prudent under the conditions."

Brown's punishment for that? A staggering $25 fine plus other court fees.

Of course, chump change for the wide receiver ... the guy just signed a new $50,125,000 deal with the Raiders.

Yeah, still great to be rich.