Rep. Steve Cohen Chokes Chicken Joke in Congress ... Shot at Barr Backfires

Congressman Steve Cohen came to work with props -- using a bucket of chicken to poke fun at Attorney General William Barr for ducking out on a 2nd day of testimony ... but Cohen kinda got burned by his own stunt.

The distinguished gentleman from Tennessee put a chicken figurine at the podium where Barr would have been sitting if he had the stones to show up -- ya get the joke. But, Cohen went one step further ... bringing a bucket of KFC to really drive his point home.

Cohen started handing out chicken parts to his fellow Representatives and other Congressional staffers. Hahaha ... and then he turned to Congresswoman Val Demings from Florida. She's African-American.

You gotta watch the video, 'cause it's hilarious and a little cringeworthy. Cohen looked directly at Val, drumstick in hand, and offered it up.

Demings declined the offer, but we promise ... YOU MUST see the look on her face afterward.

Here's an idea, Congress -- maybe leave the jokes to actual comedians. The figurine would have been enough, Steve.

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