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Basketball Robot Nails Half-Court Shot ... Humans Shook

Move over Steph Curry -- robots have officially taken over basketball -- 'cause there's literally a 3-point shootin' machine coming for your job ... and it's cool and terrifying as hell at the same time.

Toyota has been working on this "CUE3" robot hooper for "fun" ... but really, all it's doing is making us question what's gonna happen when these things take over the sports world.


超ロングシュートもCUE3にかかれば楽勝です🤷‍♂️@ALVARK_TOKYO #Bリーグ

The robo baller -- who even has its own jersey -- made an appearance at the Japanese B.League's Alvark Tokyo game on Thursday ... taking a spot near half court, pulling up and draining a deep 3-pointer with ease.

The CUE3 is reportedly only used for fun and promo ... but this is seriously equally cool/scary/weird.